Foto | Herst. Teil # | Verfügbarkeit | Preis | Menge | Datenblatt | Packaging | Series | ProductStatus | Color | ForUseWith/RelatedProducts | Material | LabelType |
170313B401, 7X10, SPAN PREVENT COVID19 |
3,514 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-401 | Active | Blue Legend, White Background | Notice | Plastic | Deten el propagacion del coronavirus (COVID-19). Favor de lavarse las manos durante 20 segundos. | |
170261B401, 7X10, NOTICE COVID19 NO VI |
2,698 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-401 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Plastic | Notice. Due to COVID-19, no authorized visitors beyond this point. | |
170174B401, 7X10, SICK-DO NOT ENTER |
2,947 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-401 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Plastic | For the safety of our customers and employees. If you have or recently had fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Please do not… | |
170283B401, 7X10, SPAN SYMPTOMS DO NOT |
2,641 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-401 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Plastic | Aviso. Por la seguridad de nuestros clientes y empleados. Si tiene o ha tenido recientemente fiebre, tos, o dificultad al respirar… | |
170162B401, 7X10, PREVENT THE SPREAD |
2,364 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-401 | Active | Black and Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Plastic | Prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Clean your hands often. Wash your hand with soap for at least 20 seconds… | |
170334B555, 7X10, BILING LEAVE DELIVER |
3,896 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Thank you for practicing. Gracias por practicar. Social distancing. 6 feet. El distanciamiento social. 6 pies. | |
170188B555, 10X7, WARNING, QUARANTINE |
2,389 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, Orange Background | Notice | Aluminum | Warning. Quarantine Area. Keep Out. | |
170287B555, 7X10, SPAN SYMPTOMS DO NOT |
2,259 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Aviso. Por la seguridad de nuestros clientes y empleados. Si tiene o ha tenido recientemente fiebre, tos, o dificultad al respirar… | |
170327B555, 7X10, BILING PRACTICE SOCI |
2,124 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Thank you for practicing. Gracias por practicar. Social distancing. 6 feet. El distanciamiento social. 6 pies. | |
170211B555, 10X7, NOTICE, SOCIAL DISTA |
3,847 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Notice. Social distancing. Maintain about 6ft. (2m) distance. | |
170178B555, 7X10, SICK-DO NOT ENTER |
2,859 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | For the safety of our customers and employees. If you have or recently had fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Please do not… | |
170200B555,7X10, NOTICE-SYMPTOMS-DO NO |
2,757 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black and Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Notice. For the safety of our customers and employees. If you have or recently had fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Please… | |
170266B555, 7X10, SPAN NOTICE PHYSICAL |
3,207 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Aviso. Distancia fisica en practica. 6ft (2m) como distancia minima. | |
170293B555, 7X10, SPAN NOTICE SOCIAL D |
3,765 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Aviso. Distanciamiento Social. Mantener al menos 6 pies (2m) de distancia | |
170194B555, 10X7, WARNING,COVID-19 QUA |
3,203 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black Legend, Orange Background | Notice | Aluminum | Warning. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Quarantine Area. Keep Out. | |
170311B555, 7X10, SPAN SICK DO NOT ENT |
2,721 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black and Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Por seguridad de nuestros clientes y empleados. Si tienes o recientemente has tenido fiebre, tos, o dificultad para respirar… | |
170321B555, 7X10, SPAN PRACTICE SOCIAL |
3,995 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Gracias por practicar. El distanciamiento social. 6 Pies. | |
170205B555, 7X10, PRACTICE SOCIAL DIST |
3,814 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Thank you for practicing social distancing. 6 feet. | |
170166B555, 7X10, PREVENT THE SPREAD |
3,880 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Black and Red Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Clean your hands often. Wash your hand with soap for at least 20 seconds… | |
170172B555, 10X7, USE HAND SANITIZER |
2,773 | - |
Datasheet |
Bulk | B-555 | Active | Blue Legend, White Background | Notice | Aluminum | Prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Please use hand sanitizer before entering. |